La atención y el respaldo de Certeza fueron invaluables en un momento tan difícil. Totalmente recomendados.

David Hernández

Inside a chapel, three individuals are near a colorfully painted coffin adorned with flowers. Two people stand close together, one wearing a leopard print coat and the other in a dark dress. The third person watches from a distance, wearing a navy blue cardigan and floral shirt. The space is decorated with bouquets of white flowers and pastel blue curtains.
Inside a chapel, three individuals are near a colorfully painted coffin adorned with flowers. Two people stand close together, one wearing a leopard print coat and the other in a dark dress. The third person watches from a distance, wearing a navy blue cardigan and floral shirt. The space is decorated with bouquets of white flowers and pastel blue curtains.


"Su equipo nos apoyó con empatía y profesionalismo en todo momento. Fue un gran alivio saber que todo estaba resuelto."

"No sabíamos por dónde empezar. Desde el primer momento nos brindaron apoyo total. Se encargaron de cada detalle."

"Nos evitó angustias económicas y organizativas. El servicio fue digno, rápido y con un trato cálido."

pink and white flowers
pink and white flowers
group of people attending burial
group of people attending burial
a group of people standing in front of a doorway
a group of people standing in front of a doorway




María López

Daniela Torres

Luis Duarte